Saturday, October 02, 2004

shopping and singing

Last night I went to the rehearsal of the Romanian Orthodox choir. We decided to wear white shirts and black skirts/pants. This meant that this morning I stole Elisabeth and we two and Virgil went to Filene's Basement. Didn't find anything there, so we went downstairs to Marshalls. Remembered I had a white shirt, but found a purple shirt, black skirt, and ... other skirt. There was chocolate, and we went home.

Another rehearsal, at which it was decided we needed black shirts. After vespers, we scrambled home to find my black shirt. Luckily it was in the trunk, which means it was clean.

Then we had the IOCC concert. There was limeade and dessert afterwards. Lovely icons to look at. Racing through the rain with Virgil and Anthony to bring home treats to Elisabeth. Yay Elisabeth!


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