Wednesday, September 09, 2009

September 9

I really need a new keyboard, one that doesn't require movement from the shoulder to get the lower line of letters and the space bar to come through.

Today was the Tampa Bay presvyteres' meeting, which went pretty well. (Just the Greek Orthodox presvyteres from the Tampa Bay vicarship.) We had eight presvyteres and Teddy, and it was lovely to see the other seven presvyteres. Next week many of us will get together in Winter Haven for the patronal feast of St. Sophia.

Fr. Peter dropped me and Teddy off at home, and Teddy went straight to bed. (He'd missed a couple of naps.) I don't know what happened to the 2.5 hours before Fr. Peter came home from work, but I didn't rest enough and started getting symptoms of something. I took an antihistamine and drank lots of sports drink and water.

I started getting things done that I'd skipped in my morning routine (watering plants, making the bed, etc.), and realized that I wanted to skip swimming. I told my husband and then I got to look forward to some uninterrupted me-time while the boys went to the pool.*

*Teddy can swim to the wall from at least six feet away.

I did laundry. I put the Project 365 photos up. I worked in the yard. I cleaned the bathroom. I watched NCIS. (Aren't commercials little breaks so you'll go do housework?) I tidied the living room.

I still have a huge list of things to do, but I feel so much better.

Part of my morning routine is putting my hair up. It's really surprising how much more ready and efficient I feel just by doing that. Also, I love that I don't have to worry about it once it's up: two French braids and a clip, and it doesn't move.



Blogger Leila said...

That's funny about your hair! When mine was long I was immobilized until it was at least in a braid! Now I have to have a hairband or I feel like I'm losing my power :)

Fri Oct 16, 10:26:00 PM CDT  
Blogger magda said...

I got my hair cut last Tuesday, just barely getting 10" for Locks for Love ... and now I'm using a hairband!

Mon Oct 19, 12:17:00 PM CDT  

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