Thursday, March 11, 2010

Falling and Getting Up

It's almost 2 p.m. I haven't even gotten dressed or brushed my hair yet. I ought to eat lunch. I'm continuing to write my to-do list while Teddy is napping. (A scheduled naptime when Mommy is tiredest in the day is a beautiful thing.)

The house is a mess. I feel wretched and achy, and am wondering whether this is a new cold or just a resurgence of the one I brought back from MN.

Aqua Zumba did not go well last night, since Teddy could see me but couldn't get to me which resulted in both of us being miserable until I went over to the little pool, Fr. Peter didn't get his full swim in (Presanctified Liturgy was in the morning, so he didn't get his morning swim), and ... okay, it was just a lot harder than regular Zumba without the water resistance. So I'm probably not going to go to another Aqua Zumba for a while. I'm undecided on tonight's Zumba class.

I've been enjoying rereading favorite books (Harper Hall trilogy by Anne McCaffrey, and will start some Robin McKinley today) while I've been feeling low, and might have to be more conscious about how what I read affects my mood.

Yesterday was one sister's birthday, and I'm still working on getting her what she asked for for Christmas (a family portrait).

I will rest, but I will not give up. My house will be messy, my baby will be cranky, and I will be exhausted ... and that's okay. I will continue to write out my to-do list, and I will continue to keep going. By the grace of God, I will get up when I fall. Sometimes it takes me a little longer than others.

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Blogger Mimi said...

Hugs. Those days are hard.
Getting up is the goal, but it isn't always easy.

Thu Mar 11, 05:37:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michelle M. said...

I can relate very well. My prayers for you.

Fri Mar 12, 08:19:00 PM CST  
Blogger Laura said...

I can relate as well. It is so hard some days, but you just have to realize that you are not super what you can do and leave the rest until you are feeling better.

Sat Mar 13, 08:52:00 AM CST  
Blogger Pres. Kathy said...

I totally know how you feel. Some days are harder than others. Just be patient and pray. Sending you hugs!

Sat Mar 20, 02:40:00 PM CDT  

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