Monday, October 08, 2007

Saturday, September 29

So I'm a little behind for the Smart Habits Saturday... No complaints, no guilt.

*Wake up 7:30 - Averaged 9:03 (7:40 to 10:47)
The usual, starting to weigh in the morning.
*Shower under 5 min - Averaged 4 and a half minutes!
*Computer off 8:30 - Averaged 8:28 (with three days of not turning it on at all, averaged in at zero)
*Bed 9:30 - Averaged 10:24 (9:41 to 11:37)
*Lights out 10 - Averaged 10:56 (10:05 to 12:01)
120/151=79%; times: three hours, 39 minutes late (now excluding the computer)

In the summer of 2006, I went from 162 to 132 pounds. Now I'm back up to 140, and looking to lose another ten, despite the proximity to Blue Bell ice cream. We'll see.



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