Thursday, March 27, 2014

St. Emmelia round one

We made it here after seven hours in the car. Very grateful for afternoon naps that get taken.

Lovely to see Timmo's godfamily here for Jocelyn Mathewes' photography exhibit.
Timmo was happy to see his godfamily, but enough with the holding!

There was a scavenger hunt to help us learn our way around. Ours was the last team to finish, and my feet are killing me, but I waddled around enough to be able to read the very confusing map and have a vague idea where I am relatively.

Seems like some sort of star-studded Orthodox conglomeration. I know so many faces and names whom I have admired from afar and online, and now I see them live and breathe, and be patient with me and admiring of my children.

Fr. Peter told Teddy we would wake up early, get dressed, and go down the hall to church (Presanctified). Teddy excitedly said, "Oh, yes!" Guess I can't be doing too badly.


Blogger Mimi said...

Oh this made me smile!

Fri Mar 28, 09:45:00 AM CDT  

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