Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Choir Concert

On March 24 we had a nice little choir concert. There were lots of points of confusion, but everything seemed to get straightened out. The turnout was rather low, due to a monastery trip which many people seemed to take advantage of, and the presence of a bishop at vespers, but we did make a little money for Fr. Alexios' school in Kenya.

Dn. Virgil sang two solos and after the intermission I sang a solo and we sang a duet. It was really rather terrifying, since I hadn't sung "Una Voce Poco Fa" in *such* a long time, and I am not pleased with how the end came out, but all the people in the audience seemed to like it. To get over my stage fright, I relaxed into the feisty character: the theme of the song is "I'm so innocent, docile, biddable ... but! if you cross me in love, watch out! I've got tricks up my sleeve and I'll be like a viper and lay a thousand traps!" I think almost every single person mentioned that they liked the way I turned the page. (Silly me. I forgot to number "skilled page-turning" in my talents. Heh.) I was sad that nobody seemed to remark on his solos, though later someone said she had. (There were two other soloists, but they (and I) sung in the second half, so maybe the people forgot about Dn. Virgil's first-half solos. But I really liked the German song he sang, and am still hoping for a personal encore ... when I remember to ask for it again.)

Hopefully, I'll be successful in my continued requests for the DVDs to be available.



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