On Friday I was in a fender-bender; nobody was hurt, thanks for asking, but please keep praying for me, especially against self-inflicted injury like papercuts. This is My First Accident™ (not even a witness before) in ten years of driving. I love the library system, but I really hate Boston. Anyhow. So we figured out what to do with the insurance company, and I got the (two-month-old maybe) car appraised today ($700+ for a leetle (handspan) dent in the bumper; cf. statement about Boston, even though the insurance will take care of it). And I put fuel in the car. And I called the repair shop and set up plans to take it in next Monday. And I got Peterbird his jams, jellies, preserves, and honey (black cherry, raspberry, mixed fruit, fig; honey from India) from Ocean State Job Lot which is like Big Lots, but they have lots more weird stuff. And I ran all these errands on my lunch break, and failed to get lost. Also, there were leftover pancakes for lunch. Rock!*
*Not a reflection on the texture of the pancakes.
Then, in the evening, we went to the library and to festal choir rehearsal; Peterbird went to the gym and played basketball while I stayed in the chapel for women's choir rehearsal and then joined him in the gym except for the part at the beginning when I watched a cat for about five minutes. And at the gym I did a full half-hour (non-stop) of the elliptical (am I weird for going backwards half the time?) on level 2 (for the first time). And then, because I was watching The Amazing Race which is an hour-long show, I went to the bicycle thing and kept going.
And then we came home and I entered all the chapel schedule things for March on my online calendar and Virgil put up his class notes and I blogged about the retreat (only 23 more pages to go, wot) and then I will do the dishes and then I will perform ablutions and lavations (my mother told me not to tell the internet that I'm taking a shower, like it's a big secret after I go to the gym), and then COLLAPSE INTO SLEEP right after I read some more. The end of Tuesday. Amen.